235/60R15 Tires & Models

The 235/60R15 size of tire is 235mm wide, with 60mm of profile (the distance from the metal wheel to the ground) and is fitted to a 15-inch wheel.

Best Tires Icon Best 235/60R15 Tires

These are the best 235/60R15 tires as voted for by our visitors. You can also break these down and view the best in class too, such as best winter tires below.

All Tires Icon All 235/60R15 Tires

You can buy the following tires in the 235/60R15 size.

Cars Fitted With Icon Cars Fitted With 235/60R15

These cars are fitted with the 235/60R15 size of tire. Click on one to find out what pressure to inflate these tires too.